• The start-up of an organization

From creating an idea to actually having an up and running project can be a long process. At Dream Conception, we’ve been working extremely hard to get this up and running. From the first meetings of conceiving an idea, to building the concept, and actually having all product information ready, with projects in the pipeline, to a fully functioning running organization.

We are proud to present our work here and offer a glimpse of what we’ve been going through. First off, we have treated building Dream Conception as any other project in this organization. There is no difference at all in creating the contracts, making work plans, keeping deadlines, and holding periodic meetings. This is crucial to our product, since we have hands-on experience with any issues that may exist.

As two experienced entrepreneurs, we started with this idea:

What if we could help all of these entrepreneurs that have a great idea, but lack the capital, or the technical know- how to make it a success?

With this simple idea, several questions come to mind. What would it require to have successful joint ventures? What experience do we have to offer? How do we create a successful partnership that all parties will benefit from? What kind of projects do we actually care about, and which will we realize a profit from? What are the dangers inherent in joint ventures, and so on.

To clarify this, we work very systematically with BaseCamp, an amazing project management tool (except it doesn’t share my love for GANTT diagrams) and Skype. We begin working as a dedicated team with weekly meetings, project planning, sketching, and finding the right joint venture partners, which is hard work without any pay.

This is where the entrepreneurs’ spirit is shown. We don’t really care that much about the money, however, it is a great tool for allowing freedom, and is needed to keep things moving. We know that money flows like the tide, it comes in and goes out. The most important thing for an entrepreneur is that he’s doing what he loves, and will do whatever is necessary to make it a success. All entrepreneurs need help from time to time, and we, the leaders of Dream Conception, know this profoundly. From the beginning as an all alone entrepreneur, with the only help coming from family and friends, having no skills or experience in business, we worked our asses off doing what we loved, and building our business. Along the way you meet business people, except , for me personally in the beginning, not all were good people, and I made a lot of mistakes that cost me several thousands of dollars.

It’s these negative experiences that build character in a man. I worked hard to build up my company, and it took years to generate enough income to make a living at it. With 6 years of experience at running my own company, and starting up several others, I began to somewhat grasp the concept of a successful business. It’s hard work, but I love doing it and have no problem working 24 hours a day, every day of the week, to make things work.

This is why we created this, because we love what we’re doing. Starting up new successful businesses, creating new ideas, helping out other people, and networking with good helpful business partners.

With this short entry, allow me to welcome you to Dream Conception. We will fertilize the ideas we believe in, develop the business, and create a gateway to the future.

In this blog we will come up with every small or big detail about running businesses, web development, marketing, networking, and anything we find interesting while structuring Dream Conception.

I welcome you, and ask that you don’t hesitate to contact us ,if you have any ideas, feedback,criticism, questions, or just something on your mind you’d like to share with us.

Dan Schultzer

Dream Conception

The Author

Dan Schultzer is an active experienced entrepreneur, starting the Being Proactive groups, Dream Conception organization, among other things. You can find him at twitter

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